The Heartless Part - " />

Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.


The Heartless Part

Lay down, the threat is real

A cackling, crazed laugh reverberated through the stone caves that she called home. They were burrowed beneath the land, lending them to be damp, cool, and aromatized with the scents of the earth. The moss and lichen that inched its way across the ground made for a soft landing, but the vampress had also taken to layering her nest with the pelts of dead prey. She had not had the fortune of skinning a wolf just yet, but one day she would find that chance. Her carnivorous, cannibalistic lover had certainly take a liking to those pelts and she coveted those nights she had spent within his den. Not just for the heated, bloody passion between them, but that luscious bed. Oh the heavens were laid on that floor… but maybe she was just biased. How could she not be when she thought about the throws of passion that she had been she lovingly immersed in, in those pelts. A soft moan of pleasure rippled through her breast as she laid there in the dimming evening light. She had desperately wanted to seek out that dark monstrous lover just to feel the pain of him. The might and the strength of their bodies and souls clashing together, but alas she had not. Not since all of her children had dissipated from her grasp.

She had been too lost, too wounded.

Lucyne knew that Draven abhorred those children, he had made it adamantly clear how he’d felt about their creation. He would not touch nor care for them ever as his own. Their kind didn’t procreate in nature anymore. Those in the species were created by blood, all of them marked by a crimson bite somewhere on their body. For her, that reminiscent nip was tucked into the fold of fur around her jugular. Those hairs being the only break in pattern against her ebony robes. Although it wasn’t noticeable unless her nose was tipped up towards the sky outstretching her neck. Lucyne licked down the furs on her chest before rising up to her paws and shaking out the dust that clung to her pelt. Her tail flicked to both sides. A dainty smile lifted up her lips, and yet in that same instant she looked like the executioner on the ready and headed to the gallows. Only her executions occurred in the night in the boggish depths of her packlands. In this deadly paradise she called home.

Tonight her singular crow called out, warning her of an approaching stranger. A poor soul stupid enough to wander upon her borders at these hours of the night, no matter how early. Darkness had risen and with it the creatures of the night. The vampires, the cannibals, the demented and sick had all woken with celebrate their day. The Queen had risen to wander once more and luckily for this unknowing soul the vampire queen had already feed. Her thirst was quenched, but it would not stop her from taking more should this stranger beg for it or test her boundaries. She stretched out her limbs before starting into a lope, the soft ground melting away beneath her paws. She moved in silence and stealth, scentless and impossible to track. He had no idea what he gotten himself into, nor would he until it was too late.

And creature of dual blankets, ebony and crème sat at her borders. A cackle erupted from her lips echoing around him, making it impossible to pinpoint her location as she approached. Her midnight hues making her blend effortlessly into the shadowy undergrowth. You must think you’re awfully brave, coming upon my borders, child. You must know what is it that lives here in this darkness, the monsters and creatures of night. an eerie giggle echoed out, You must know you are in grave danger placing yourself at these borders. Don’t you know? I may have fed, but the sound of your blood pulsating with each beat makes me crave it once more. Oh how delicious you would be, a brute such as yourself. Healthy and strong, tangy and rich with iron. Oh and those robes of yours. The curious split of ebony and snow that marks yourself, it would be a nice addition to the mottle of pelts that cover my den. Don’t you think so? A sickeningly sweet smile broke out revealing her pearly fangs in the moonlight. She brought herself forward, revealing that glinting smile and her glimmering rubies that shone from within. Tell me, what is it that brings you into my lair?


When her sight goes red again

~ Lucyne ~ Diosa, Leviathan, X ~ Queen of Caidir Olc ~ Lustful ~ Alesana ~

Table Credit to Morgin <3

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