Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.


From the mouth of the ocean

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I had no idea how long I had been traveling. This land was still so unfamiliar to me that I really only recognized three scents, that of my pack, that of the place where I had woken blind, and that in which I had now been cursed. I had been following the scent of my pack mates, though extremely faint, for some time now. Admittedly I had gotten lost multiple times, though it was very nice to have my new inverted world. Better than running face first into absolutely everything at least. Along my travels I spent most of time trying to figure out what exactly had happened to my limbs. They were for sure my own. After spending a couple of hours ripping at the odd scales I was confident of that at least. And, as it was turning out, the new armor was super handy when you happen to be blind and run into stuff. Nonetheless, I really needed some answers and support. I am way to freaking young to be dealing with this kind of trauma!! Not to mention... my stomach was really beginning to grumble.

As I walked lost in thought, really only paying attention to avoiding oncoming obstacles, I noticed a sudden and very welcome change in the earth. My sharp puppy claws sank easily now and the soft dirt caressed the spaces between my dry pads. I sighed deeply in relief. Home . I stopped for a moment and took in a deep breath of air. It was then that I heard it, faint and on the whisp of the wind, her voice. It was barely audible but it was definitely her. I sniffed the air before remembering I wouldn't be able to pick up her scent. Because alas, she was a Vampire. Badass, I know. I'm still pretty intimidated and confused by it myself but considering I woke up only a couple weeks ago with no memory and scarred eyes and then acquired these dandy new scale legs.... how intimidated could I really be anymore?

I shook my fluffy cream self and took off at a careful trot. My little heart pounded with delight. I had no recollection of ever having a family but I supposed this was how it was supposed to feel whenever you got to see them. My entire being was brimming with excitement, something very relieving after the stressful last few days! It was as though I had sprouted wings.

Within good time I arrived at what I could only assume was a clearing, I could only tell by the sounds that came to greet my tiny auds. It seemed that though I could now see large shapes like trees, wolf sized shapes were only visible upon nearly direct face to body impact. This I discovered as I again unceremoniously ran shnoz first into a giant mass of fluff, swiftly falling backwards onto my rump. With a subtle "oof" and a quickly muttered apology I shook myself off, stood up and carefully stepped my way around the other wolf hoping I hadn't pissed them off. Sheepishly I hung my head and tried to make my way towards my mothers scent, it was then that I realized she was actually speaking. As quickly as I could I stopped dead and sat, trying to pretend I hadn't just walked right into the middle of a meeting again. Absentmindedly I rubbed my front two legs together in an attempt to relieve the itch that still insisted.


Player (OOC) Name: Pompeii

From the mouth of the ocean and the eye of the wave
You erupt in my being and leap from my grave;
A lover so gloomy, yet dreadfully bright
You're clothed with darkness but crowned with light.
You come in the spark, you soar with the fire
The mist is your pillow, the tornado your choir;
I will kiss you to sleep on the wild ocean crest
A sleeping volcano, an earthquake at rest.

Male || Lone || Young Adult || Vipera :: African Bush Viper


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