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Each character must be joined in their own, separate thread.
Once posted, Staff will post to Approve the character. If there is anything that needs to be changed, Staff will let you know!

Bio Sheet
* denotes mandatory field
*Name: make sure it’s not already in use!
*Age: 0 – 25
*Gender: Male / Female

*Eye Color: be specific, and don’t be afraid to get creative!
*Appearance: must include height, weight and a detailed description of both their fur coloration and body type; include defining scars, etc here

Personality: feel free to skip, but this can be a good way to ‘introduce’ them!
History: what brings them to moladion? not mandatory but a fun way to explore your character!

Can imprint? important: you can only change imprintability status once unless ability is lost through ‘natural’ means

OOC Name:
Where can we contact you? Discord, deviantArt, etc.
Have you read, and agree to abide by, the rules?
What is the required ‘word minimum’ of Lunar Children?

New players must supply a sample post.
The sample post doesn’t need to be long but must abide the minimum word count. It’s also a great opportunity to introduce your character to other players and get to know the character yourself!

Return to Lunar Children

i'm matter but i d o n ' t m a t t e r

Name: Aokigahara (Aoki)

Age: Two

Gender: Male

Parents: Both deceased, father died after he was born and mother recently died.

Siblings: He left them behind.

Imprintability: Yes

Best friend: None yet.

Enemy: None yet.

Rank: None yet.

Species: Red wolf

Description: Aoki is a very well built male for his age, he was fit for running and fighting and stands a healthy 22 inches tall and 55 lbs. He has small scars hidden beneath his thick pelt from fighting. His coloring is a beautiful rust color that covers most of his body. He has white markings just above his eyes and down his two front limbs that start after a ring of black. His eyes are a brilliant emerald green.

Personality: Aoki is a very rash and bold character, he always seems to find trouble though he doesn't want it. He is not typically one to shy away, but he will if he sees fit. His words have a tendency to drip in venom as he speaks them, yet he’s a very loving person if you can actually crack his very hard shell. He’s basically just a sad soul building up walls for protection.

Biography: Aoki was a very happy boy throughout his younger years, though he quickly learned by the age of one that his father's death was not an accident. Soon enough his father’s old gang named the $uicide Boy$ came through, wanting fresh blood. Aoki insisted he be taken as a member instead of them harming his mother and they took him . . . But their true intentions soon shown through, a hit was placed on his mother. He begged and pleaded, he couldn’t do it. So the gang did it for him in front of his very eyes, he wanted out then and there but the only way out of the gang was suicide - Hence their name. He took the first chance he could to run and hasn’t looked back, for all he knows, they could be right on his trail . . .

Nurishment: Fish

Flora: Roses

Introvert/Extrovert: Both

OOC: Metalhead

.Teen . Home . Heart . Children . $uicide Boy . Metalhead .


  • x -
    Accepted! -

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