At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


I’m Not the Devil, But I Won’t Be Your Hero (Hondo)

”I Can Bleed if I Want to Bleed; ”I Can Feel if I Feel the Need


Life was only beginning for the young pup as she began to explore her surroundings. So far she had not done much exploring outside of the den that she shared with her siblings and parents, but she had been more and more as she grew. Missandei was still young and by no means close to leaving her family, but she wanted to see what the rest of the world was like. Once the pups were big enough to start exploring they had been allowed to wander near the den, but never too far. The mottled femme would push the boundaries sometimes and wander further than she was supposed to, but her mother or father was always there to bring her back to the group and make sure that she didn’t wander too far off. Though she was not the most vocal of her siblings, often times being quieter than the rest, she was curious and wanted to see what the rest of the world was like. It seemed unfair to be confined to one place when there was so much more to explore out there.

Missandei began to pick up on her family’s habits, especially her mother who never went out during the day. She didn’t yet make the connection to it being because she had been turned to a vampire when her and her siblings had been born, but she picked up on it nonetheless. Their father was around day and night though, going out with them during the day and sometimes out at night hunting. But one day when their mother was sleeping, their father also left the den. This happened from time to time, but today the pup decided to take advantage of it and do some exploring on her own, and not next to the den this time. Moving carefully to not make wake her mother, Missandei made her way out of the den into the sunlight. A big smile came across the femme’s features as quickly bounded away from the den. There were not many trees in this pack, and she wanted to see what a forest was like.

It was slow going for the small pup, but eventually she saw trees, and an excited yip escaped her as she ran for them. Her plume wagged behind her as she explored the trees, hiding in shadows that they threw as she wandered about. It was like a whole new world in this forest, and she wondered what else lay out there for her to discover. A new sound reached Missandei’s ears, and they perked up at it, trying to figure out what it was. It sounded like a river or a stream, and she decided that she would go and check it out. It was indeed a river, and she paused her explorations for a moment to take a long drink from it, quenching the thirst that she had built up. Lifting her head from the water, she looked around to see where she would go next. Not knowing what was nearby, she just picked a random direction and went with it. As she moved through the trees, the ground got softer and the trees were different too, much more green on them. The river was still nearby as she continued on through the more marshy lands, not realizing that it could be dangerous here. Missandei’s head began to feel a little funny as she walked further into the swamp, but there was something urging her forward. But then she found her paws getting stuck in the mud, and it was harder and harder for her to move forward before she finally did get completely stuck. She pulled at her limbs, but one of her hind limbs got pulled further into the damp earth and she couldn’t move it. She began to panic, and looked around left and right with orange orbs to see if anyone was nearby to help her.


**Missandei**Femme**Pup**Uyaraut**Daughter of Macaria and Grey Wind**Sister to Evandros, Ronan and Kiora**Violet


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