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Return to Lunar Children

Words and Things

Hey guys,

I know it's a bit obvious but I had to come back one last time and clear the air for my own sake:

I can't come back.

I had trouble posting at the end of '17 when I was finishing up my degree and juggling my new full-time career, but I stood resolute that once the holidays ended I could get back to work on what I really cared about. But I couldn't.

I hate to say goodbye to a place that's been as kind to me as LC, and I hate to lose touch with those who gave me so much joy over the years. But I have to face facts and come to grips with the fact that my time is too limited to properly carry out a real PBP agenda or even keep up with the Discord channel, which I muted in December to focus on finishing up a huge contract here at work and never got around to un-muting because the work kept coming.

I had real ambition to stick around when I returned to LC not even a year ago, I wanted to be as involved as I'd been in my heyday: climbing the social ladder in Taviora; building a meaningful relationship with Roman, filling eachother's voids; growing up with Caesura and the tensions of juggling adopted and birthed children and Malachi's eventual identity crisis.

I'd love more than anything to be back here talking to you all and keeping Coquette active to live out her life, but I have to say goodbye.

I hope to keep in touch, but I know I'll only be able to drop in now and again to see how life's going and never re-establish the kind of connections I had before.

Thank you all for everything you've done for me. I'll never forget the people I met here or the stories we told together.


  • -hugs- -
    *snuggles* -
    <3 -

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