Re(3): Change to Perquimans Tournament Launch Site

John H. I didn't really expect you to be able to figure out what I was talking about. The payout has zero bearing on me. You know you making this about money is just a cheap shot because you do not want to address what I am talking about. I also don't talk trash for that matter I keep to myself most of the time. I do that so I don't have to deal with stupidity like this. You and the 2 others at the meeting set the schedule in stone and if YOU don't want it changed then I will just take your money on PERQ the CHOW or anywhere else you wanna fish. I was trying to bring up a CLUB issue not a JOHN H issue as far as I am concerned this conversation is over at least between JOHN h and I. If anyone else wants to chime in please do and I was talking trash to John H as a point not trying to say I can beat any of you guys in any tournament because I know that's not the case.


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