Alrighty then...

Now that the dust has settled a bit, I’d like to offer my $.02.
We all love bass fishing. We wouldn’t spend over $40k for boats if we didn’t. Unfortunately, club membership is a little low this year...but we still want to fish as a club. And we still want to fish all of our favorite rivers, even if the payouts are lower than usual.
Crowded ramps are going to happen. You’re never going to change that...especially with all the clubs in this area.
Unfortunately, Buck is no longer with us to put together the combined VA/NC schedule, so ramp conflicts aren’t as easy to identify.
When ramp conflict issues are discovered, the President and Tournament director should be informed. At that point, it’s up to them. Not to say we can’t offer our opinions, but that’s what we (don’t) pay them for.
No decision is going to make everyone happy, but at the end of the day we’re all fishing the same water under the same conditions.
With all that being said, I’m ready to get started. See y’all at Bob’s on the 24th!

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