2018 Payout Discussion

We are down to 15 paid members this year so funds are much lower that what we have had in the past. So the Leadership Committee got together and discussed the membership status and money available for payouts, awards and the Classic. To get the most out of the funds available we have come up with a few alternative ideas to the Example written in the Bylaws. We would like to poll all members to decide on how the monies will be distributed this year per tournament.

Please reply only with "Option 1" "Option 2" or "Option 3". No need to justify your choice or suggest other choices.

Total money for each tournament is $300.

Option 1

Payout as per example in bylaws - Pay three places plus Big Fish. 1st 50% $150 2nd 25% $75 3rd 12.5% $37.50 Big Fish 12.5% $37.50

Option 2

Pay three places - 1st $180 2nd $75 3rd $45

Optional with this is to have a $5.00/angler side bet for Big Fish. @15 members $75. $50 to the Big Fish and $25 to the Classic. If pot is less than and including $50, 100% goes to Big Fish. If pot is greater than $50, any money above $50 goes to the Classic.

Option 3

Pay two places - 1st $200 2nd $100

Same option for Big Fish as Option 2.

Please spread the word to all members and have them check here and post their choice. There will also be an email sent to all members letting them know as well. We need to have this wrapped up by Monday the 19th so Jim can square away the monies for our opening day. See you on the water!!


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