Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


I Solemnly Swear That I am Up to No Good


Sshhh... Do you hear that sound? He growls into your ear.

The large black male was in awe of the femme that he had found. He had never been a wolf to settle down and stay in one spot, so he had done a lot of traveling in his time and he had thought he had seen it all. Every wolf had their own unique features to them, but some had more than others. He knew that his own form was fairly unremarkable. There were many out there with pitch black pelts as his own, but this femme stood out. And in more ways than one. Her pelt was unlike he had seen before, the striped brindle markings catching his eye as he looked her form up and down. But her pelt was not the most stunning part of her. Padfoot’s grey orbs lingered even more on her cranium, specifically the antlers that crowned her head. Even though he had not been affected personally by the magic that had come through Blossom he knew it existed. But she was the first that he had seen that had been changed by it. And for this stranger, it was a change that suited her. It would make her stick out in a crowd, and with how attractive she was it only made sense that she should catch the eye of many. After a few moments to take in the stranger, he approached her, hoping that he would not push her away. It was not something that happened often to the attractive male, but the thought of this particular femme not wanting to interact with him hurt more than it ever had. There was something special about her that he had to know more about.

The scarred male’s approach to the femme was greeted with a smile, and when he saw her muzzle open in a smile it made him happier than he had ever felt. All he wanted to do was to see her smile and be happy. He caught her own gaze checking out his form, and he gave her a cocky smirk as he padded closer to her. When he had first saw her, he thought this would just be any other female that he encountered. One that he would make nice with and compliment before going about his ways. He was not the type to look for a mate or anything permanent, but when he looked at her he didn’t want this to be a brief meeting. He wanted to spend a lot of time with her, to truly get to know her and to show her who he truly was. He could not remember ever feeling like this before, and it was something that he wasn’t entirely sure how to process. But for now, he was just going to go with his instincts and see what this female was like. Padfoot stepped even closer to the stranger, and when her form pressed against his own he felt a sharp spark go through him. Every spot that her pelt touched his own felt like it was on fire, but a good fire, one that he never wanted to put out. There was some connection between them, one that he couldn’t explain, but it made him want to feel every inch of her, in a stronger way than he had ever felt with others. The brute’s head wrapped her in an embrace for a moment, inhaling deeply as he became more acquainted with her. Padfoot didn’t want to be too much at once though, she he didn’t linger over her, just letting his form press against hers for a moment before easing up, letting her show him what she was comfortable with.

The femme pulled away from him, a frown on her features, and he showed his own confusion at her face. She had smiled and seemed fine with his approach, had made the first move to touch him, and it had not been a small gesture either. He didn’t think he could have done anything to go too far with her, so why did she seem unhappy? Her smile had been the most beautiful thing that he had ever seen, and he wanted to do everything in his power to see it again. But the stranger spoke up, at least letting him know that she didn’t want him to leave. He wasn’t sure if it would be possible for him to leave. “I am Athene, member of Uyaraut pack. My mind seems to know you but a name I lack. Would you grant me knowledge of exactly that? Afterward, we can continue on with this little chat…” He was glad to have a name to the face, Athene, and found the unique way that she talked appealing. A smile appeared on his kissers as he answered her question. ”It is a pleasure to meet you, Athene. My name is Padfoot, a wanderer with no one place to call home.” As the male spoke he moved around the female, circling her but not in an aggressive way. As he walked, his tail lingered on her, feeling the curves and muscles of her form, coming back to face her. ”So what brings you away from your pack and to this place then, Miss Athene?” His grey orbs focused on her facial features, wanting to memorize every inch of this femme.

That's the sound of your death. His claws scrape against stone.

Picture and table credit to Alesana <3


【Padfoot – Soldier – Chained by None – Violet】

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