Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


Our Pain Becomes Their Power

Fear Makes People Do Terrible Things


Thoughts were jumbled in a confusing mass in his brain. He still didn’t understand why he couldn’t get the thoughts of the vampire out of his head. He had a brief encounter, and though he didn’t get away untouched, he got away. So why was Rogan still on his mind? Lupin didn’t realize that the vampire had touched his souls in ways that they still didn’t fully understand, and that the pair were now bound by an invisible force. If the other male was ever to call on Lupin, he would be there as fast as physically possible, no matter what was going on in his life. His life was somehow bound to the vampires and he would do whatever the male asked of him. He had never had this sort of a connection to someone before, where he felt that another had control over his life. But while under this spell of sorts, Lupin didn’t see it as a bad thing. He didn’t feel that Rogan had done anything bad or would do anything bad, but he didn’t know what to expect for the future. But if the vampire had fed from him and let him go, then surely he couldn’t be bad? Lupin had expected his life to end that night, but he was still here, still standing.

The young male was so lost in his own confused thoughts that he didn’t realize that he had stumbled onto another being. He had wandered into the meadow, and it seemed that another had come here to take a nap in the peaceful field of flowers. Normally this was a quiet place, where lover would come or mothers would take their pups. And Lupin had just ruined this stranger’s peaceful nap as he literally stepped upon her form. Even though the grasses and flowers covered her, there was the scent of another in the air, and if he had been alert to his surroundings at all he would have noticed it and not put himself in this awkward situation. Feeling his paws step on something that was alive and not just the earth he had been walking on, he quickly jumped back and got his limbs twisted, falling to the earth for a moment. The lanky brown male quickly got back up, green orbs widening at what he had just done. Lupin immediately began spewing out an apology, hoping that he had not into an aggressive wolf. But of course as soon as he awoke the femme in such a rude way, she was on her paws, a snarl on her features at what had happened.

Lupin was not one to fight normally, and though he was not a fearful wolf he was not too proud to show his throat and submission to avoid an unnecessary fight. He hoped that his carelessness would not lead to a fight today. He was still young, but not so young that he didn’t know how to fight. He just didn’t enjoy the act like some did. And so when he saw her react with aggression, his form sunk to the earth, pinna remaining flat on his head to show that he meant her no harm. His instincts told him to growl and snarl back, to defend himself, but he repressed those thoughts and kept his shorter submissive stance. But the stranger’s own form was low to the ground, circling around him. Lupin’s scarred form followed her, watching her, as she circled his head going left and right to keep her in his sight. With her stance he was prepared for her to attack at any moment, and he was worried that his carelessness would lead to a bloodier fight than he anticipated. But after some time, the snarl and her muscles relaxed, though the angry fire didn’t die from her eyes. It seemed that she was not going to lunge at him, at least not yet. “Who the hell are you?”

When the femme finally spoke, Lupin’s form shrunk at her words before he lifted himself up a bit from the ground, still keeping a weary on her should she decide that violence was what she wanted. ”Sorry…my name’s Lupin…I didn’t mean to…wake you…” He knew that it was no excuse that he hadn’t been paying attention, but it was the only explanation that he could offer her. His green orbs continued watching her, looking to see if she believed him or if she thought that he had done it on purpose and meant her harm. ”I promise it won’t happen again, I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Words continued to babble from his mouth, as if he needed to convince her that what he said was true. While he spoke he kept his form submissive, ears still back and tail tucked, not wanting her to think that he had any ill will against her.

Picture credit to the lovely LSVK/xathira!


**Lupin**Brute**Loveless**No Heirs**Wudubearo**Young Adult**Violet


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