Sounding off

Some of you know that I spent most of my life in the USMC. I have served in every level of command from small to extremely large, both in peacetime and at war. I saw what worked and what did not. Successful organizations welcomed the input of its' members. After all, lives were at stake. The tyrannical "what I say, goes" ones usually suffered low morale and in more that a few if them, ended up getting people killed.

I have been a member of Stateline since 2002. Our Mission statement was/is "to organize and conduct friendly fishing tournaments, make new friends through club events and learn from one another". Our rules have evolved over the years though the input from our members, primarily to make the Club better and to protect the assets of our people. They were never meant to be a monolithic, unchanging set of commandments and "good common sense" ideas were and should always be welcome.

That said; what happened? Is meeting once a year enough to keep things straight? I know some Clubs meet before every tournament to iron out problems. Why don't we?

Do we even need a President, a permanent Tournament Director? Do we pay yearly dues or pay as we go? Do we welcome non-boaters? I don't know but I see us grinding to a halt over "the rules" and hate to see this happen. It certainly was preventable if we all weighed in and voted on the issues as they arose.

I plan to continue to fish. I like you guys and learn alot from each time we fish. I will maintain the web page through the end of this year but will not pay for it beyond that. I have returned almost everybody's entrance fees and will be mailing out checks to the rest of you this week. I'm sorry to see this happen but I am one man and will leave it up to you to decide what, if anything comes next!


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