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Re(2): Commitment cars list ?

2018 Novelis Supermodified Registrants
(00) Joe Gosek - Commitment

(01) Dan Connors Jr. - Commitment

(02) Brandon Bellinger - Commitment

(04) Camden Proud ®

(05) Jeff Abold - Commitment

(07) Dan Connors 

(08) Michael Barnes

(09) Bob Bogwicz 

(0) Snyder Racing - Commitment

(1) Jeff West

(2) Dave Shullick Jr. - Commitment

(3) Doug Didero

(4) Roger Clark - Commitment

(5) Tim Devendorf

(6) Davey Hamilton

(7) Otto Sitterly - Commitment

(8) In Memory of Jim Shampine
'67,'70,72-'74,'76,'79 Track Champion - '70,'74,'80 Classic Champion

(9) In Memory of Steve Gioia Sr.

(10) In Memory of Nolan Swift
'53-'54,'56,'58,'61,'64,'66,'71 Track Champion - '60,'63,'67-'68,'71-'72 Classic Champion

(11) Aric Iosue - Commitment

(14) - Joey Payne

(26) Nathan Schultzkie ® - Commitment

(37) Jeff Locke

(47) Bobby Bond

(50) Dave Gruel - Commitment

(51) John Nicotra Racing

(54) Proud Motorsports

(55) Keith Shampine - Commitment 

(56) Hal LaTulip - Commitment

(66) Lou LeVea Sr. - Commitment

(68) Michael Barnes - Commitment 

(71) Bill Sharkey - Commitment

(73) Jerry Curran 

(77) Shaun Gosselin

(83) Lou LeVea Jr. - Commitment

(98) Tyler Thompson ® - Commitment


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