The Lost Islands

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-there is no honor among thieves

He stood alone for some time. The silence worried him that his mother might be his only companionship and that was annoying. He didn't know how many more light hearted conversations he could stand with her before snapping. Not that she was a stranger to his retaliation as it was.

Movement caught his attention and his golden head turned to see his first comrad. Cullen admired the many battle marks that distinguished this stallion from himself. Cullen had been in scuffles, but he had been uses to being on the lower end of his band where the leads fought for most of the things they obtained. He hoped this place held the fighting experience he needed in order to became a worthy boss.

He had bachelor experience, but there was still much more he needed in ways of winning wars. He couldn't even bare to think of his embarrassing losses to the Peak mares. The only reason he was crowned boss was out of sheer luck. He tried for it knowing his shortcomings and he would either raise to the occasion or someone else would be elected next year. The stallion grew closer until he finally spoke, a simple hey followed by a comment on how empty the place was.

"Hello brother, it is good to finally see another face. Either this place has become deserted or no one likes me." He honestly didn't know which was more likely, but he also had not seen many faces pass by since his arrival. Even the stench of the Lagoon overpowered the musk of stallion. The stallion's comment only made him assume he wasn't the problem, but activity was. Cullen wondered just how many stallions stood under him now, maybe they left with his crowning, or perhaps they were never here to begin with.

Cullen - Mutt - 7 - Palomino Min. Overo - 15.2hh - Lagoon Boss


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