The Lost Islands

This is no ordinary love

Being back in the Inlet just reminded Vita Nova of her daughter. This is, after all, where Nova gave birth to Nyah, a beautiful young filly with a Lagoon stallion for a father. But much like her sire, Nyah had been restless. As soon as the first signs of adulthood were upon her as she aged from a yearling to nearly a two-year-old, Nova's first born daughter took off, abandoning her. It wasn't something Vita Nova liked to think of much anymore. Nyah was smart and independent -- she deserved to see the world if she so pleased. At the time, Nova was determined not to be as overbearing to her own daughter as Evaline had been to her. So despite her fears and reservations, when Nyah wanted to go, she let her. But the Inlet drummed up sweet memories of the filly's beginnings. She had been so sweet and kind as a cheery little bundle of fluff. Her existence made weathering Nova's first Tinuvel winter in years, while morbidly pregnant and stuck with strangers like Orkaan, totally worthwhile. It was amazing, Nova thought now, how so much can change in just a short bit of time. She barely felt like a mother at all anymore, without the filly at her side.

Nova trudged on, through the light snow that dampened the hairs at her ankles and across the hard, frozen earth. Light plumes of warm exhales left her nostrils with every passing breathe. She stopped dead her tracks when she heard a low nicker cut across the otherwise quiet, cold terrain. An ashen-colored ear lobe flicked forward and back, and then the other. Her pale-blue eyes studied the trunks of the trees that lay in her path. Eventually she spied him, the heaving frame of Warsaw staring back at her, clearly waiting for her in the distance. Nova's face remained emotionless, for the most part. She studied him hard from where she stood. After several seconds, she let out a snort and shifted her weight on her hind legs, then returned the nicker with an eager one of her own.

The grey mare trotted several steps to reach him, slowing to a walk as she neared. She arched her neck to share a cordial exchange of breathe with him before retreating several steps. "Warsaw." She said quickly, allowing her gaze to meander over the peaks and the trees briefly before settling back upon him. "I had to see for myself that you didn't burn down the place." She added with the flick of her tail and a wiry grin. "Yet."

Vita Nova
4 | Mare | Evaline x Valentine | Smoky Back Splash | 15 hh | © Vinyl
html by shiva for public use


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