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Update >

Just a little update on me, where I've been, and what you can expect from me in the near future.

So first off, sorry for just...poofing. Things got a little too real when I found out that my Canadian tax refund wouldn't be coming for another 8 weeks, but I need it now. I was facing an empty bank account, no income, no job prospects despite endlessly sending out applications, and $600 worth of bills I had no way to pay. Had a minor panic attack about the whole situation.

Fortunately I have very kind parents who have loaned me enough money to cover my May bills, and I have finally gotten some good job prospects. I was offered two different positions to guide horseback trail rides this summer, and just as I was about to make the choice between the two I was asked to interview for a seasonal zoo keeper position at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. As things stand right now, I have accepted a summer job guiding trail rides in Colorado, but if I am offered the zoo job I will take that instead.

No matter which job I end up with, I will be packing up my car once more and leaving for new adventures sometime next week. The job in Colorado starts May 19th, and I was told they hope to have someone start ASAP at the zoo so I would imagine a similar start date there if I am offered the position.

What does all of this mean in regards to LC? I am going to be dropping some older or irrelevant threads. I don't want to have more than 1 or 2 on-going threads per character, except for with Nymeria since she is an alpha. I hope to get to work on some posts here in the next few days - I apologize for the long delay on replies to some threads, but I just haven't had the capacity to focus on posts. My brain has been elsewhere and just consumed with all the stress of trying to find a job and the financial burden I've become to my parents.

Wow alright that got long winded. I guess I have missed writing. xD


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