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FOR PINNER IP: Posted on May 9, 2018 at 12:12:59 PM by supertoby1979
Hi Pinner Yes this is a great deal, there will be over 75 USA fans and 57 Cananda who done this for the last 44 years, in years past we rented knight inn but they couldn't match Home2 price and now all of us moved into Home2. I am assure you will know 3/4 of people there. If you are in need of a room let me know I am assure i can fit you in. Again room are single and sleep 4 adult as the saying goes is not what you know its WHO you know. you know who I am called me or see me on the 19th or the 26th and I will fit you up. ONE HELLVA OF A PARTY!!!! One final note they will be 3 drivers there with us and 8 old timers. Replies: There have been no replies.
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