Simcoe County Bird and Nature Board. POSTS MUST INCLUDE FULL NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS OR THEY WILL BE DELETED FROM THE BOARD. Banners at top of page cannot be blocked but are not part of the page. BOB BOWLES
Life Species Of Moth

Not very often now can I find a life species but I did today while looking for elfins around Sparrow Lake. On the limestone pavement near Sparrow Lake were several Bluish Spring Moths, Lomographa semiclarata. I had observed several Northern Spring Azures but realized that some were different and once found in my binoculars realized it was a moth and not a butterfly. There were also Hoary Elfins, Eastern Pine Elfins, Olympia Marbles, Mourning Cloaks, and Eastern Commas. Also my first species of dragonfly for the year and not a Common Green Darner but a Beaverpond Baskettail. A common spring moth in our area but I don't know why I had not encountered it before when searching for butterflies. I will post the photo later when I download it.

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