SekhmetPharaoh of Asteraia
KukChosen One
Enya, Reaver, Kajika

Lucille, ⟡Skyrippa, Hircine
Bastet, Kaliban, Runihura, Rana, Mihos, Ragnar, Floki, Nox, Balor

None (Inara & Idrisa are Guests)

The Field of ReedsHonored Dead
Tobias | Tick Tock | Samhain | Thoth

News - 6/19/21
Summer is here and Fall is short around the corner. There is unrest as it stands but, perhaps it is to our advantage. Let no one question our strength. Those who wish to speak on rank, seek me out. If anyone wishes to put a hunt together inform me. Adults or others who wish to rise in rank may seek me out.
- Sekhmet

☥ Pregnant | ⟡ Promotion Pending | ☼ Stolen | ☾ Away

Return to Lunar Children
Eat your heart out, Hircine

From birth, he was told to be careful about his nature, to hide what he was. His father was a vampire and his mother, a cannibal. They had learned to hunt in the darkness and hide their kills so they taught Cuirass and Kronos how to do the same. Cuirass learned how to be cunning and hide what he was. His parents taught him that most wolves wouldn’t like his nature, that he might be hunted for it.

His color was unique in itself but in Moladian, there were wolves already marked in white and red, the sign of Angels, apparently. He was certainly no angel. His lineage was Demonican and their markings were white and red, like his mother Selina, who was an alpha of a Demonican pack in another land. His father was pure white so they mixed well. There weren’t many angels marked in red anymore though. Too many of them had crossbred with Demons and other bloodlines so it all scattered and now there were very few in just those two colors. Cuirass loved his rust red coat, like the color of his favorite drink, blood. And the white Mohawk on his neck was just icing on the cake. Sure, it made it a little harder for him to blend in but he’d adapted like he did in everything.

He knew the minute he wasn’t alone on the tundra banks of the ocean. He had heard someone tearing across the sand dunes so when he looked up with the heart crushed between his jaws, his dark blue gaze set on the dark female in a mixture of curiosity and amusement. How would she react? If she ran, he would give chase. No loose ends. He would have to kill her. If she came toward him, he would defend his kill and watch her in case he needed to defend himself. It all depended on her at this point. He watched patiently as she took in everything. She seemed to be checking the body, though he didn’t know for what.

Finally she gave a woof sound of greeting and his ears pricked forward, curious once more. She sat down and then called him honorable before asking if he had good hunting. He chuckled at the idea of him being honorable, shaking his head a little, his eyes glittering as he watched her. He tilted his head. “As good as it can be. I have meal enough to last a few days and the heart of a warrior to quench my thirst for a challenge till another day. Who might you be?” He wasn’t ready to give his name just yet. He had to check her out a little further first.

(OOC: this is where I added for time bending purposes to get her into Asteraia faster so if anything needed to be edited, just let me know!)

After some time chatting in the tundra, he ended up giving her his name. She seemed only happy about finding a cannibal and said she was actually nursing one back to health. He didn’t ask who it was since she didn’t smell like Asteraia so he had to assume whoever it was, they weren’t a pack mate and therefore were none of his concern. When she asked for meat to bring back to her charge, he shrugged. “Why not? I can’t eat it all and my mate doesn’t share the same diet as I do.” With that, he broke her off a leg and dragged it toward her so she can take it at her leisure. The rest, he ate his fill and buried so he could come back for it later before turning a more intense gaze on her. “You know where I buried my kill so just know if I come back and it’s gone, I’ll know who the culprit is and I will find you. I’m sure you know what will happen from there.” He left it hanging for her to interpret as she would.

At some point, he mentioned he was from a pack that let him be as he was and she seemed eager at the idea. Apparently she wanted a pack to join so he felt it in his best interest to take her to Asteraia. Sure, she wasn’t a big brawny thing but she was of good size and she seemed intelligent so that would count for something. Plus she called him honorable and that got her points in his opinion. So next thing he knew, Cuirass was escorting her to Asteraia. Once they reached the borders, he turned back to her. “So this is it. Pretty open and not a lot of shade but you’ll get used to it. Want a tour or anything?”


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All ranks may be challenged for outside of Kuk and Thoth. Tasks to rise in rank will be given at the discretion of Sekhmet.

Sekhmet - Pharaoh of Asteraia - Goddess of divine retribution and vengeance, Sekhmet protects and avenges those under her rule. She has final say in all matters pertaining to the pack and it’s wellbeing.

Kuk - The Chosen One - Darkness personified, this wolf is the chief warrior and is given all the same rights as the Pharaoh. Made of strength, tasked with teaching the youth to build their strength.
Thoth - Advisor to Sekhmet - God of wisdom, reason, and secrets. This wolf is extremely loyal to the Pharaoh. They can make and block steals as well as accept challenges when Sekhemt and the Kuk are unable to do so.

Imhotep - Divine Priest - Spiritual Advisor to Sekhmet. You will make sacrifices to the gods in her name.
Amunet - The Heir - One who is hidden and her powers are connected to the words silence, stillness, mystery and obscurity.
Ma'at - Lead Diplomat - God of justice and order. You maintain peace and order within the pack and with those to whom we are bound.

Nephthys - Head Butcher - God of death and decay. You, mighty butcher, will be the artful assassin. Those marked should meet Anubis soon.
Set - Head Thief - God of chaos and change. Take everything that you need and a little extra to grow. The rest is tribute.
Horus - Head Hunter - God of good hunting. Great hunter, the feast will be plentiful when you step on the fields.
Isis - Head Healer - God of healing and protection. You mend the wounds and do not allow weakness to fester.
Seshat - Head Informant - God of knowledge. Gather information on our friends and enemies alike.

Scepters - Warriors - You will work closely with Sobek. Fight for your pack; you will often be asked to escort other members on outings when it is seen fit.
Kemet - Hunters - Working under the eye of Horus, you will ensure the pack is fed.
Medjay - Scouts - Show me, what bounties can you find for the gods? Report your findings to Seshat.
Snares - Thieves - The world is ours, let us reap from it. Learn your art from Set.
Heka - Healers - Work with Isis to heal wounds and ease pain; repair what is broken to the best of your abilities.
Scribes - Diplomats - You will work under Ma'at to complete the duties of mantaining peace within and outside of the pack.

Kith - Children of Asteraia - The youth are our future.
Kin - Unranked members of Asteraia - Those who have not yet chosen a specialty, or who do wish to.

Osiris - Allies of Asteraia
Slaves - Captives of Asteraia
Ra - Enemies of Asteraia
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