
Where the magic happens...
Wanting your own adorable hoard of fluffy puppies? You’ve come to the right place!
In winter, parents post their stats (alongside any other relevant stats such as grandparents etc.) in the below format. Staff then roll dice to determine if you conceive. If you do (congratulations!), Staff will then roll some more dive and perform some magic in order to produce your puppy stats.
You can view how we do that magic right here!

Certain prizes, such as ‘Pick Your Own Litter Size’ and ‘Custom Stats’ must be used before Stats are posed, whereas ‘+1 Puppy’ can be used after. If in doubt, check with Staff!

Once Stats have been posted, players may post in response claiming and naming puppies. Once spring begins, the mother’s player must reply to the thread with a link to their ‘birthing post’ on the appropriate date unless an extension has been requested.

Parent Stats
* post for both father/mother
Height / Weight:
Eye Color:
Body / Fur Type: (be detailed! long, short, thick, whispy, scruffy fur; brawny, willowy, wide set ears, a tail that’s a little crooked – everything helps!)
Fur Colour: (be specific with markings, and include references if you want!)
Other Stats (Optional): (for example, parents and grandparents; siblings; anything ‘cultural’ such as special markings in their bloodline etc)

** We include the option of grandparent / sibling / etc stats in order to help produce unique puppies even if a pair are plainer coloured. For example, two pure white parents don’t leave much room for exploration but with additional family stats, we can bring in new traits!

Return to Lunar Children

BONE KINGDOM Both stats in

confessions of what i've done

Age 9

Eye Color: Pale blue with black specks ringing the outer area of the iris.

Coat Color: White base color with golden brindle across his entire body. The brindle fades from gold to a pale cream as it goes down his body, giving a rather dynamic feel. His nose is black and his toes are dipped in black as well. Black is brushed along the edges of his cheeks and sweeps inward toward his muzzle in a jagged fashion to cover his lower jaw and dip down his throat, chest, between his forelegs, and stops just after his ribcage in a sort of inversed dorsal marking.

Coat Type: Average length although his father takes precedence in the fact that it is longer along his neck and chest. Average thickness.

Build: If only he were gifted with the height of his father he would be a mirror image in stature. He is big-boned with a deep chest, broad shoulders, and thick muscle. His face is where most of Lucian is seen with thick jowls and a large cranium to match his size. He is crafted for pure strength and stamina - not so much for speed or agility. He will be capable of short bursts of speed but overall his hit will be one to cripple.

Height/Weight: 42 inches, 210 lbs
Attempt 2

Height: 45" Weight: 195lbs

Eye Color: Deep Indigo, including Indigo Sclera.

Coat Color" Sterling silver base coat with black and white brindling covering him from head to toe.

Build: Deep set chest, with robust barrel, thick sturdy legs and powerful haunches, all of him ripples toned muscle. Thickly chorded neck and broad shoulders. Large skull with pit-bull like jaws. He is built entirely for strength and endurance.

Coat: Thick and wildly dissheveled around the rough, giving him a mohawk like appearance down his neck. Becomes shorter but just as thick along the back and body.


Gender: Female

Height/Weight: 42 inches / 200 pounds
>>>Conformation: She is tall as any average male and with a hard coating of muscle, this strength does compromise a little of her femininity, she has little in the way of feminine curves but this does not mean she is without beauty. Rather she appears more dangerous than alluring; built for both strength and endurance.

Coat Color: Along her spine and down her sides is deep black, fading into deep gray over her limbs, chest and face. occasional flecks of white and gold lighten her pelt slightly.
>>>Length/Thickness: Average in both regards.

Eye Color: Light blue with gold flecks.


Linage: Näkki x Ewae (NPC)

Sex: Female

Age: 11 years

Imprintability: Nope

Eye color: Metallic, pearly pink

Height: 37 inches

Weight: 120 pounds

Build: Sleek with a large ribcage. She’s meant for running fast over long distances. Her agility is average and strength low.

Fur: Her fur is matte. It's coarse and greasier over her dorsal side and becomes softer and drier on her undersides. The fur on her legs is very coarse. Her fur is short, but very dense and thick.

Color: Grimoire’s under coat is black and she has sienna and mahogany flaring over her topside (just the fur tips - the undercoat remains black).

Grimoire’s Mother

Name: Näkki

Age: Deceased

Sex: Female

Eyes: Metallic pink, silvery pink, pearlescent pink

Height: 37 inches

Weight: 120 pounds

Build: She has a large chest cavity for maximum air intake and long legs with lean muscle. She’s meant for running fast over long distances, but not for power.

Fur: Her fur is thick and matte. It's coarse and greasier over her dorsal side and becomes softer and drier on her undersides. The fur on her legs is very coarse. Her fur is average in length, though longer on her neck, tops of her shoulders, and on her tail.

Color: Näkki’s base coat is dark gray, and her over coat is black. She’s the darkest black over her dorsal side and on her paws and the back of her legs. In between, she is a lighter black. She has sienna markings over the top of her head and forehead which includes her ears and eye area. The base of her tail (the part nearest her rump) is flared with sienna as well.

html by dante!


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