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Re(3): Opening Night IP: Posted on May 29, 2018 at 00:25:18 AM by NYIND
Yes. The Hoffman's were Great! Wide variety of food at a good price. I spent the whole race in the pits but I was told the fish sandwiches were good and they are available in the Pit concession.
-I forgot to mention that Perley had a Great Race (2nd 50 lap feature)- very popular win and very exciting over the last 10 laps - he was challenged by Shampine and Otto a close 3rd. I guess you could say two of the ISMA greats won both features.
-Gosek looked good for the first few laps of the 2nd feature. Something broke off turn 4 and he spun. Did hit the outside wall and done for the night.
-I do feel were are going to have an exciting season. But the #2 of Shullick sure looks potent.