Mountain Lion sighting IP: Posted on June 2, 2018 at 08:50:45 PM by Denise Audette
On Thursday, 5/31/18 approximately 10:15 am, just inside gate 40 at Quabbin. I was with four friends heading to Dana Common. We stopped to look at lady slippers blossoms on side of road and heard something moving in woods. At first we thought it was a Fox when we saw the long tail with dark tip. The animal turned and started to walk towards Rt 32A. He was about three feet tall and when he turned to look at us we realized he was one big cat. We watched him move away slowly, turning to watch us. He was about 10 yards away from road and we could clearly see he was solid colored and had no spots. Definitely not a bobcat. Replies: There have been no replies.