110% Mountain Lion Sighting 15 minutes outside UMass Amherst! IP: Posted on June 7, 2018 at 06:42:17 PM by Sandra Trapani
This morning around 8:30 AM I was driving my son to UMass Amherst for new students orientation. Waze app brought me a strange way in, a lot of winding, hilly backgrounds ending up in Shutesbury and Pelham area on 202 when a mountain lion crossed right in front of our car. It was beautiful - with a long tail, entire body was a light tan color and the cat was very good sized - I yelled to my son - "OMG! It's a mountain lion!" and as our car got up to where he was trodding into the woods, the cat literally stopped for a minute and turned around and looked right at us. I'm so glad my son saw it too because I know he wouldn't have believed me. I looked it up and I know they aren't supposed to be in this area anymore - but I know what we saw. 110% it was NOT a bobcat - this was a very long tail and I Googled mountain lions and it is exactly what we saw. I'm still excited about it - what a thrill! Replies: