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Re(1): hearing lose

I lodged a claim some years ago and was accepted under military compensation and was provided with a top line set of hearing aids which were great but no other compensation. A few years later hearing was handed over to the office of Australian Hearing and when my aids could no longer be serviced due to age I was told that they would be replace wit the basic aids provided by the Gov .
I complained to DVA and the minister and our local member and in each case was referred back to OAH who informed me that I would have to pay for the superior aids and their upkeep myself if that was what I wanted. I was given a comparison of the various levels of aids available by my hearing service provider and the capability of each. When I used this comparison to support my case to authorities, not only was I refused but was told that the service provider was incorrect in the comparison and would be taken to task for providing that information. The superior aids were 7-9K a set . I took the aids offered free of charge to try them before going any further and am currently seeing how they go. You probably are entitled under that scheme at any rate but any compensation seems out of the question but I intend to follow this up with the Ombudsman in the future.


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