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I don't know what's wrong with me

I sit down to post and just get an immense nauseating anxiety. I don't know what's wrong with me or why I get this feeling. I think I just have to break the barrier and get to posting again. I've been busy running around with Will and playing games, he's gone for a week, but geeze that feeling is still there. Thought it was because I felt bad because I could be giving him attention and doing things with him but that's apparently not the case =( I don't know what's wrong.

Here's my post list. I'm gonna work on replies if it kills me today.

Tuari to Dexter @ Taviora
Barrett to Paxton @ Taviora
Thyme to Tithe @ Taviora
Orifel to Zarah @ Diveen
Pascal to Zephyr @ Diveen
Toraburu to Kweku @ Asteraia
Toraburu to Cuirass @ Asteraia
Jinx to Abel @ Asteraia
Ame to the Infiltration Plot @ Iromar
Ame to Kalseru @ Spirane
Zanon Starter @ Spirane
Hemlock to Singe @ Enocra Woodland
Faust to Fenyang @ Enocra Woodland
Undyne to Dexter @ Aplos Riverside
Asriel to Elohim @ Ruieze Fields
Istas to Wraith @ Ruieze Fields
Kattari to Shaddix @ Ruieze Fields
Teagan to Dominus @ Tundra

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