Lullaby of the Crucified - " />

Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.


Lullaby of the Crucified

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a vexatious kiss

A tumult of emotions threatened to breach through fragile floodgates. Hardly holding against the battering ram of waves that crashed heartily and repeatedly. And who was there to witness this break in character, to watch this actress fall to her knees begging for mercy to the gods. Crying like a whelp at their mother’s teat, when sustenance would not come. The staged lights were dimmed and a thickened fog crawled and crept towards her fallen figure. Feeling slighted and beaten a crippling whine breaks tight lips, and the first tear falls. A vicious swipe across her face leaves a small scratch, where the salty drop falls into. A sting against herself, like it was intended that she be her own demise. Liked a cursed doll, perpetuating and orchestrating her own downfall from this stage of life. Lucaya had started this process long ago, when she had inflicted that sweet kiss upon her daughter. It had been to save her, hadn’t it? If Lucaya was here now and Diosa looked into those matching luminescent blood pools, would she see her own staged deterioration? The heiress had suffered so much unintentional anxiety and torture via her mother, that if there had been a looking glass placed before her, the heiress wondered if she would see the same delirious, nightmarish creature lurking in the depths of her refulgent rubies.

A deafening crack of thunder and lightening burst the atmosphere.

And with it, Diosa screamed. Anger, suffering, hatred, and a voiding sense of loss all expelled within the vociferous clap of thunder as a righteous and beyond animalistic screech. Even the ebony crows that had lingered in the trees to watch the mistress, knew that it was time to leave. Their wings spread, casting a shadow over the cocoa and shadow cloaked vampire Queen. That’s what she was wasn’t it? Or destined to be in the eyes of the creatures that slunk within her border and those who looked upon the outside. She was Diosa, Heiress to Caidir and more importantly a daughter of Lucaya. Making her capable of just the same tactics. The impenetrable, fearsome façade of bloodlust, casting the nightmarish blanket over her terra once more, just as Lucaya’s reign had done. But had this opened her to same sort of manipulation that Draven had once lorded over the previous Queen? A bitter expression closed off the emotions from her features and acidic bile rotted her throat. Silence bit her tongue while she swallowed back the urge to vomit. The thought alone of what the puppet Queen had done sent the vampire daughter into a tail spin. How could she? How DARE she?! Sebring was the puppet, not she! She had no right to wreck the sort of havoc and agony that she had. They had had a deal. Sebring would rule in her stead until the heiress came of age and all matters concerning the pack and wellbeing of those in it, herself included, were to be brought to Diosa for finalization.

Instead, Diosa had been cheated as heiress and more importantly, as a mother.

Soaking limbs trudged ceaselessly along the border of Caidir Olc in what would have been broad daylight. This thought would have excited her once upon a time, a chance to defy the laws that bound her to the endless nights. The puppyish joy that she would have felt would have unleashed the inner child that still clasped dearly at her heart strings. The same one that had hoped to have a family one day… In this moment though, the anger that seethed and roiled in her blood was driving the princess to the limits of her control. As if one more thing would be the demise of those crumbling gates and sweet release of her bloodlust. A switch that would submerse her in the depths of that vaguely sealed madness, so thinly concealed. The thought of day versus night was the last thing on her mind. She hardly blinked as the rain pelted jaggedly across her bodice or thought twice about the shivers that rippled ceaselessly down her spine, not from cold though. This rain came so late in the season, it was almost welcome. Caidir had been swamped under its own unusual stroke of humidity and the threat of rain had been hanging on the air for hours before it had exploded and released the deluge. The heiress had watched the roiling clouds slowly take away the last of the moonlight’s touch and not long after she felt the warm kiss of it begin to break through the canopy of Caidir Olc.

Diosa had nearly made it back to her den when a lilting song wavered through the air. What an opportune time to join a pack, she thought bitterly. Swamp drenched paws changed paths to once more trudge across the border, the faint outline of her abode disappearing into the fog once more. Luckily for this stranger Diosa had made a nest close to the border, a few minutes light jog from the border. Unsure of what to expect at the border Diosa wiped away all traces of her malice, knowing that they needed this. The pack that is. It had been too quiet as of late. Glittering carmine orbs fell upon the figure of a lone female, who was nearly bursting with her pregnancy. Why was she not sheltered somewhere? Diosa chided herself, Now is not the time for introductions as I can aptly see. I assume you seek shelter to birth, so follow me, my den is near. Diosa rounded around the drenched woman, looking her over while simultaneously herding her across the border. I’m Diosa

The heiress padded across the border waiting for the soon-to-be mother to follow her before continuing. The pace would not be fast, but the den was close and Caidir was no place to birth in open. Alligators among the main concern. If you can make it just a bit farther and up a small hill, you’ll be protected there. And ahead within the shrouded undergrowth she saw the tell-tale incline that lead up to the excavated root system. She leapt the short distance across the moat, stopping only to check on the female, before she reached the top. Diosa pulled aside the curtain of moss and wisteria, who’s bloom were beginning to thin in the late season. Do make yourself comfortable.

a bittersweet abyss

||Diosa||Lucaya’s Blood||Caidir Olc||Adolescent||Vampiric Princess||Alesana||

METALHEAD Productions


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