The Lost Islands

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we were born sick

. Twelve Years Old . Earl of the Inlet . Grey Overo . Stallion .

Limbs pulled his heavy body through the wet clumps of sand that threatened to pull him back to sea. Tons of water droplets dripped off his grey body as he braced the shore and made his way past the sandy beach of Luthien. He paused at the sight of the golden fields, thinking they were like a gold mine. He saw an opportunity here like a boat full of treasure ripe for the pirate's taking. Only a simple-minded stallion stood in his way.

He began marching through the tall field of gold, unaware of what could be hiding among the stalks and ultimately, unafraid of the unfamiliar island. Besides his swim to the Forest last summer he had never spent any time on the island and he knew so little of its inhabitants. Of course, that would not slow him down any. Living on an island of ice made it easy for him to overheat in this new climate, especially with the thicker coat he still carried, so pools of sweat were already forming on his skin.

The yellow grass brushed his belly and the tops of his legs as he ventured further inland, looking for the stallion that he would fight. The very scent of another male had his adrenaline pumping and his testosterone whirling for battle. Thoughts briefly went to the soul he was after, the feisty Vita Nova, who was someone he should have never come for in the first place. The temptation for the mare was all too real and the reason he wanted her might e because he had no one else to devote his attention. Not many visited the Inlet, that is unless he made them.

He reached a break in the grass and that was when dark eyes rested on the image of the approaching stallion. He assumed he was the lead and with the quick movements of red towards him, he assumed the stallion knew he was a threat. His pace quickened to reach him as his muscles tensed for the upcoming brawl. Today he would once again prove the power that comes from a Tinuvel stallion! Grey ears pinned tightly against his skull with an emitted snort as the red stallion got closer. He could feel his breath now as the stallion struck out, reaching teeth to bite him.

Warsaw was not unprepared for the stallion's decision to defend his herd so he was ready for the first strike. His body leaned opposite of the stallion as his hooves try to keep up with his sudden movements. The light scraping of the stallion's teeth brushes over his skin, leaving only a small sting from the impact and the loss of a few loose hairs. That small impact was just what he needed. The blood in his veins quickened, he took in deep whiffs of the male's aroma, and he charged forward as the other retreated. He quickly met with the hooves of the stallion, colliding into his kick at full force. Hooves hit the bottom of his chest with a loud thud and an immediate stinging sensation followed.

It has been a long time since he was at the other end of a kick and honestly, he missed it. He didn't miss the recovery after a fight, but at the moment everything was worth the adrenaline. As long as he could prove his worth as a stallion, he would be fine. His hooves dug into the earth to halt his advances and he immediately began to scramble sideways to avoid further damage. At the same time, his eyes drove daggers into the stallions' back and he willed himself to fight back. As soon as the stallion's bucking ceased, he leaped forward until he was close enough to strike his designated area.

[Attack one:] His weight rolled to his back legs as his front end raised with a head held high. His mouth hung open in a display of teeth as aggressive sounds left his vocal cords and hooves wildly kicked towards the stallion's polls. He aimed front limbs at the right side of Shamwari's skull in attempts to knock him around and bless him with a serious headache. He lands with a loud thud and the force ripples pain through his chest, but he fights the misery and continues to attack.

[Attack two:] He steps towards the Prairie stallion, only moments after his first attack, and strikes with teeth aimed for his shoulder. A buck might have been the more powerful choice, but Warsaw planned to keep this battle close and personal. He figured the closer he could keep the stallion, the easier it would be to keep him from kicking again. Plus, he doubted he could be overpowered at such close range. He wanted to feel the flesh between his teeth as he bit down and crushed it between powerful jaws that broke down his grass every day. Warsaw continued to press Shamwari forward with his body in attempts to push him further from his herd and closer to the beach.

His breaths were fast and loud when he finally stopped and took a step back. Dark eyes would not leave the fire painted stallion even when he stopped battling. His advances on the lead stallion were over, but he wasn't about to retreat just yet. The very reason he was here caught his attention as her scent lingered his way. His head snapped in her direction and his hooves began to carry him away, starting at a walk and quickly transforming into a full-on gaited gallop. His head rose high towards the crystal blue sky in a display of power as the salty air smacked him and whipped his hairs back like flags flowing behind him. He raced towards Vita Nova in attempts to drive her home, but the question was could her stallion stop him?

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