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Going away!

I will be going on away for an indefinite amount of time (could be a week could be a month idk). In the meantime I have given Iromar to Magpie for Gazmala to lead. Blackthorne will still be ‘there’ doing his creepy shit just I won’t be posting. I am attempting to work a ton to save money for vacations in the next two-three months and on top of it, I have been incredibly stressed at work trying to fall into my new position with less-than-stellar training by my superiors >.< anyways as such when I get off work I am mentally so drained I just want to relax and go to bed early every night! I am not going to disappear permanently but as of right now I am taking a short break for me so I hope you understand. I fully intend to return and have discussed it with Magpie - so if we have plots going on now (like the infiltration plot) they will continue only it’ll have to wait till I return. I apologize for the inconvienance. Thanks guys!

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