Professional theft Posted on July 6, 2018 at 00:36:41 by STEALING
Hi All,
Last month, at an audit meeting, trainee doctors presented two audits on 'outcome of emergency clinics over the last two years'. They presented it very well in their names & will surely look extremely good in their CVs. This unfortunately was NOT their work as they happilly (& shamelessly) took the applause. This was the two year blood & sweat of one our speciality doctor who recently left us. He was doing weekly two at-times even three casuality clinics selflessly. This was all his sweat. The dear doctors failed to even mention his name once verbally or otherwise. No one at the meeting even bothered to remember his tireless committment. This is SIMPLE STEALING and INTELLECTUAL THEFT by professionals, of somebody's hard earned credit. All of this professional shameless stealing must be rampant elsewhere in the NHS aswell, I guess!. I wonder what the college of ophthalmologists have to say about it. I guess what can they say about it, their own trainess have been stealing intellectual work of others for a long while, presenting & publishing it as their own under the suppervision of RCOphth suupervisors. All this professinal stealing remains 'UN-NOTICED' under the noble nose of 'good medical practice'. Replies: