The Lost Islands

castillon lir
jasper, micah, thames, lohan
hirka, eira, aura
eirena, frond, aurelie, luna
mage, daire, vervain, claret
lior, hael, atropa belladonna
name, name, name
eriana, name, name
*odette, eudora, *dolores
name, name, name
rafe (badlands)
evrain (hills)
sephiroth (thicket)
bacardi (forest)
mariael (arch)
tyr & oswin (ridge)


- the Prairie stands as a symbol of peace and prosperity among the islands
- anyone is welcome to live here so long as they do not bring harm to the Prairie or any of it's residents
- adventure and exploration is not only allowed, but encouraged! residents are asked to use their better judgement and not travel to places that could bring them harm
- the head of the prairie has final say in all prairie matters. the secondary and third positions are not able to be challenged for and are selected by the head
- the guardians take on a more active role in the prairie; they must protect the inhabitants of the prairie and go on patrols of the prairie borderlines and shore. they can welcome strangers to the prairie and invite anyone to live here, though they must inform one of the leaders of any newcomers or visitors
This is no ordinary love

It all happened so fast. One moment, Vita Nova was lazily grazing in the company of the rest of the herd. Tavas was dozing in the grass and the reeds, enjoying the sunshine. The next, she looked up and saw her brother tearing off from atop a nearby hill. Jabari's eyes caught hers, and he looked stricken. But when she whinnied to him out of concern, the young painted stallion pawed at the earth furiously and snorted, demanding she stay where she was.

Nova was old enough to realize something was wrong. But she didn't want to alarm the rest of the herd without knowing more. As such she remained planted where she was, but called to her daughter lying in the grass. "Tavas, get over here." She said sternly.

Nova watched with great interest as time moved excruciatingly slow. Eventually she thought she heard a noise - a grunt, or a gurgled neigh. Then she heard the crashing of bodies and legs. Vita Nova defiantly started to trot toward Jabari, who squealed and kicked out in an aggressive display at her disobedience. Tavas trotted anxiously in her mother's wake, up the hill, to where Jabari stood. "Get back Nova. I'm serious." Jabari hissed, but Nova paid her nephew no mind. She pinned her ears at him and trudged past him, her pale blue eyes searching the landscape below for answers.

When she saw the big grey stallion locked in battle with Shamwari, her heart dropped. "Oh God." She muttered, but said no more. Tavas swirled around her legs and looked on with confusion and interest. "Tavas no, get back." Nova said, finally being pulled from her trance. She nipped the pale yellow filly on the rump and looked to Jabari with shame in her eyes. "Don't worry, he knows what he's doing." Jabari said shakily. Nova offered him a half-smirk and nodded, but she felt frozen, numb to what she just witnessed. What was Warsaw doing here? And what did he want? She swallowed hard against a lump that formed in her throat. Is this because of me? She asked over and over again in her head.

The ashen-colored mare scaled the hill and returned to the valley where the rest of the herd remained, but her heart was beating fiercely in her chest. There were several moments where she seriously considered running to the battle site and confronting Warsaw herself, but every time she came close, Tavas would draw her back to reality.

Then, out of seemingly no where, she heard the thundering sounds of galloping hooves getting close. And closer. Nova craned her dished face to look in the direction she had known Shamwari and Warsaw to be, and was startled to see the mass of Warsaw's large body hurdling toward her. Her eyes grew wide andshe stepped defensively in front of her child. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Jabari take off after him, and then Shamwari stammering in to close the gap between them. But for a moment, all Nova saw was the complicated stallion she'd pursued on her own, despite her better judgment. Her mind flashed to the time they met in the commons, and then to the intimate moments they shared alone in the Inlet. Fear struck her heart as she realized Warsaw was seeing her with a foal for the first time. But this wasn't his filly, it was Nephilim's.

Muscles bunched under her taunt summer hide and she pinned her ears and barred her teeth at the stallion, ready to strike if necessary to protect herself, her daughter, and the family who took care of her here. But luckily, Jabari and Shamwari successfully chased him off before he got too close to her or the rest of the herd. She breathed a short-lived sigh of relief, until Jabari returned with orders. His dark eyes scanned body after body, accounting for every herd member and their foals. "Everyone, Shamwari needs us. He's asked us to gather at the shoreline." He said loudly, tossing his head and mane as he did so. "Please don't worry. He's fine, and he's chased off that intruder."

Nova felt so anxious about what was to come that she was beginning to feel dizzy. There was no use in lying to her brother at this point. Warsaw came here for her, she was certain. But how could she begin to explain herself? What would Petal think of her naive advances and poor judgment? How could she explain she was just trying to have some fun when it clearly had serious repercussions for Shamwari and his family? She was embarassed and ashamed. But most of all, she was furious with Warsaw.

Vita Nova
4 | Mare | Evaline x Valentine | Smoky Back Splash | 15 hh | © Vinyl
html by shiva for public use

ooc: Tay, I hope you're ok with me taking some liberties with how the end of the battle went, for plot development only of course.


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