Welcome to the RAAF Airman Aircrew Association Message Board. It is for all to use whether airman aircrew or not, however the majority of us who frequent this message board are former or current RAAF aircrew, associates or enthusiasts who want to be 'in the know'. We must be certain, however, that we do not disclose any information which may compromise the security of the ADF or its personnel and we also must be certain not to criticise or to pass judgment on others. 'THINK' before you post, or if you aren't sure, 'DON'T POST'. When making a post, you should identify yourself by including both your Christian and surnames as well as providing a valid email address. As this message board is not editable nor can a post be removed once the post has been sent, please contact the following for the amendment or removal of a post: messageboard@airmanaircrew.com.au. Thank you. These are the current emoticons boards2go.com supports and are courtesy of Cybergifs.com: http://www.boards2go.com/smiley.html

It is essential that we reach as many DFRB/DFRDB recipients as possible and ensure they are aware of how they are affected by the legislation. We are relying on you to make every effort to forward this Update to every DFRB/DFRDB recipient or serving DFRDB member you know and to every ESO you think a DFRB/DFRDB recipient may belong to and to ask those ESOs to forward this to their members. Facebook and the like are also very effective.
We now have a Web Site https://www.adfra.org/
The current indirect method of communicating with many in our audience is not satisfactory so we have now created a web site https://www.adfra.org/ the acronym ADFRA standing for Australian Defence Force Retirees Association. On this site DFRDB recipients and contributing members and DFRB recipients can register their contact details, allowing us to communicate directly with each individual.
Again, our thanks go to the Fighter Squadrons Branch of the RAAF Association for meeting a substantial part of the web site development costs.
This web site also allows DFRDB recipients, once registered, to record the details of their retirement benefits, thereby providing us with a statistically valid number of case studies with which we can properly demonstrate the effect of the DFRDB legislation.
The web site incorporates state of the art security to safeguard your personal details. Your case studies will be used to create a profile of the DFRB/DFRDB recipient population and a composite view of the effect of the DFRDB legislation. Some of your individual case studies may be helpful in expressing our message to the public but no individual case study will be used without your express approval.
If you don’t already have a record of your DFRDB retirement benefits, from the time of your retirement, then please ask for it. The web site shows how you can get the required details.
Please do this. The workload it will create will send an immediate message, at least to the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation, that we are not going away.


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