We were born sick [m] - " />
The Lost Islands

We were born sick [m]

. Twelve Years Old . Earl of the Inlet . Grey Overo . Stallion .

So much time has passed since he last chased a mare this way without any intentions of snatching her from her current stallion. Sure, he was beginning to desire Vita Nova, but for now he was losing himself to this playful dance. The last time a mare really distracted him this way was Morrigan, when he was a young three year old. He was a fool then and now, the same mistake would not be made with Vita Nova. He could either let her go or grasp her so tight she could never leave.

He mirrored her moves as he trails behind her. He slows when her pace changes, he moves around the large rocks just as she does, they looked like they were dancing. His eyes soon spy the cave hidden away in the forest and he wonders why he has never come across it before. He would be checking it out more often now that he knew mares like Vita hid out here. Her eyes meet his and he feels a turning in his stomach. Was that a bad sign?

It didn't matter because he was following her in.

Stopped limbs began moving forward again at a slow walk behind her. His eyes couldn't help but travel to her rump as he entered the dark glow of the cavern. His tail slapped back and forth against his thighs and the pattering in his chest quickened. His mind went to dirty things as soon as he felt they were completely alone and those thoughts only grew worse when her scent overpowered the moist musk of the cave. If she didn't allow him to take her he knew he wouldn't be able to stop himself now.

Without even thinking, he was moving towards her and it was then her whispers sent a shiver down his spine. He reaches out and began gently lipping at her back, trailing down her spine to her tail that raised high like a flag. His own personally flag cheering him on. His chest bumped against her backside as if to ask permission, but he only waited a few seconds before raising up his body and placing a hoof on either side of her. His face stretches to reach her ears as he whispers, "No, you are much better than her."

HTML by Bear, modified by Tay 2018 - Border Image

OOC: Yeah...so I agree that plot should happen! XD This can end this thread if you agree, her leaving after for winter, and come spring he storms in the Prairie.

                      • [x] > -

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