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This email is addressed to everyone who has registered on the ADFRA website as a DFRDB Benefit Recipient. Not all my my comments below may apply to you.

My aim in asking for the Case Study details is so that I can produce some meaningful pictures which illustrate what is actually happening in our scheme. An example is attached. The production of that picture some 2 months ago was no small feat.
After a preliminary check last night, I can see that only one in ten of you have submitted a Case Study and of the Case Studies submitted more than half have no or nonsensical $ values.
That is disappointing.

If I am to produce meaningful evidence that is statistically representative of more than 50,000 DFRDB recipients I need accurate Case Study details from each and every one of you. Otherwise, this all just a big waste of your time and mine.
Instructions for Case Study entry are on the References page. Once you have your details you must first log in, then you can enter your details on the Case Study or Case Update page.
I am about to take a short break. If you have any questions please hold them until my return at the end of the month.
Kind regards,
Mick for Herb & Jim

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