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Way too early 2019 roster

Looks like potentially 21 weekly teams.
1 00 Gosek
2 01 Connors
3 02 Bellinger
4 05 Abold
5 0 Snyder
6 5 Patrick
7 7 Otto
8 11 Iosue
9 12 Lavery
10 22 Proud
11 26 Schultzkie
12 50 Gruel
13 52 Danzer
14 55 Shampine
15 56 Latulip
16 66 Levea Sr
17 68 Barnes
18 71 Sharkey
19 83 Levea Jr
20 94 Rayvals
21 98 Thompson

Add another 9 or 10 Part timers
1 West
2 Shullick?
3 Didero
4 Hamilton
5 Payne
6 Bond
7 Osetek
8 Curran
9 Gosselin
10 Perley

Shaping up to be a very healthy 2019! Again way early and a lot of things can change.


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