Mountain Lion RI Cooper Hill Mapleville Line IP: Posted on September 14, 2018 at 03:47:03 AM by Jeanne L
I let my 55 lb labrador out about 11 PM and she saw and charged at something, which ran from the pear-laden tree back maybe 50 feet to near the edge of woods. But then it just stayed there, and it was clearly taller and longer than my dog, sleek but not skinny, looked just like a mountain lion by the head. I did not see the tail. My dog charged at it three times but came back each time before getting really on top of it. Scary thing was, the cougar/mountain lion just stayed there. Did not seem frightened. I tried to yell but didn't affect it. On third or fourth charge I got my dog back all the way and took her inside. I'm now afraid to leave her out on her radio fence (4 acres). Replies: There have been no replies.