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Commemorative Event ~ 60 Years of RAAF C-130 Hercules Operations Friday, 23rd November 2018

The No. 37 Squadron (RAAF) Association is hosting this historic, commemorative event, tickets are limited to 200 due to venue restriction, CURRENTLY 101 tickets LEFT FOR SALE.

Once the 200 tickets are sold, NO ADDITIONAL TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE, so if you intend coming along, BOOK NOW. Should your attendance need to be cancelled closer to the date, a full refund will be issued if notification received prior to the event.

Book direct at https://www.trybooking.com/402397 or contact raaf37sqnassoc@outlook.com for any additional information and current confirmed attendee list.

Proposed function format is:
1030: Meet in carpark of Clarendon Tavern, (old Ma’s Pub location) Clarendon.

1100: Depart by Bus to RAAF Richmond.
• Base tour by bus including:
o C-130J-30 Simulator
o C-130J-30 Fuselage Trainer (FuT)
o Static display of:
 C130J-30
 C-27J
 C-17A
o All aircraft still subject to negotiation and availability on the day.

1200: BBQ, hosted by CO 37SQN, cost included in event fee payment.

1330: Depart 37SQN by bus back to Clarendon Tavern.

1400: Doors Open Courtyard Room.
• Drinks at attendees cost

1500: Official Welcome:
• Col Coyne, President, No. 37 Squadron (RAAF) Association
• SQNLDR Adrian Willey, T/CO No. 37 Squadron

1545: Raffle Draw
• Canape` service commences

1900: Function finishes but guest may remain in the courtyard til late!!!

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