Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


I’m Infected, By Your Genetics

Shilo And I Don’t Think That I Can Be Fixed

Life had taken a very unexpected turn for the femme. She had never had hopes for a happy life exactly. She knew that she was a burden to any that she might get close to, and so she had never been one to make friends. And since she had been separated from her siblings she didn’t even have family anymore. Sometimes Shilo felt guilty that she had not done more to reconnect with her brother, especially since he had physical troubles of his own, but she had never been the best sister to begin with. She had always been the slowest in the bunch and if they had all stuck together she would have held them back. And so she had even kept herself distance from her own family. None of them had ever forced her to isolate herself, they had never been cruel to her. But she didn’t want her own illness to become anyone else’s burden.

But that was a long time ago that she had been with her family, and now they were grown and their own individual beings. Shilo knew nothing of her siblings lives now, and they knew nothing of hers. Even if she had occasionally come across Tiresias’ scent when she forced herself to go out of the packlands, she had never gone the extra step to actually approach him. He had probably gotten whiff of her as well, but for whatever reason the pair of siblings remained apart. And now there had been another being to complicate things. Even though Shilo had grown to see another side of Perdere, one that she didn’t think many others had seen, she was still uncomfortable around the brute. It seemed that Akuji was truly gone, but maybe there was a small part of him that remained. Maybe that was the nicer side of Perdere that she could sometimes see a glimpse of. She still remembered the fear and certainty that she was going to be killed when he had found her and cornered her. But that hadn’t happen, and even though she was often still fearful, it was…different. He was still a persistent threat that if she decided to flee something bad would most certainly happen, but she was not in constant fear when around him anymore. Or maybe that was because she had something new to be truly terrified of. Her pack was not what it once was. The kind and accepting alphess that hat allowed her to enter their lands was no more, and a true monster stood in her place. It still brought shivers of fear through her form when she thought of Sindicate, and the horrors that she had witnessed at the “pack meeting”. It didn’t feel like any meeting she had accompanied before, but like some sort of cruel cult. The femme shook her head to shake the memories that threatened to creep back into her mind away.

Long stilts carried her slowly through the brush at the edge of the border, wary of who may be around. If Perdere was not with her then Sindicate surely would have killed her, and she still thought that there was a good chance she was going to be murdered and skinned, alive or dead, everyday. She knew that she couldn’t just leave, but she also needed some time to herself to get over the horrors she had seen. Cool green orbs remained on high alert, shifting left and right as she wandered alone. Hoping that she remained alone as long as possible. Afraid of what could happen if Sindicate or one of the other pack members should find her alone. But her solitude did not last long, but it was not who she expected to be the one that she would find. Familiar vocals reached her audettes and she paused her walk, alert to the sound and where it was coming from. Tiresias. Why was he here? Fear ran through as she remembered how Perdere had questioned and threatened her about her brother. She wasn’t entirely sure where her brother had been, but she had a good idea. And she had been lucky enough to get away with lying to him and he had believed her. But now Tiresias was just showing up here, where Perdere was. He must not know the danger that he was in.

It was not often that Shilo wasted energy running, but this time she ran as fast as she could, wanting to get to her brother before Perdere or anyone else that might of heard him would. Shilo was glad that her brother had not come directly to the pack border, but was still a little ways a way. Hopefully Perdere had been far enough away that he wouldn’t have heard his call. Paws carried her swiftly through the trees even though she started running out of breath almost immediately. She ignored the harsh complaint of her lungs, forcing her body forward to help he brother. Luckily Tiresias had hunkered down in a spot that wasn’t too far away. Panting heavily, the femme caught his scent and she angled her form to approach him. She saw him hunkered under the coverings of a rock, but still visible so she didn’t need to hunt for him too long. Still panting as she padded over to him, relief reached her to see that he was still alone. ”Tiresias, what are you doing so close to this pack? Are you okay?” It had been a long time since they had seen each other, and it was not the happiest of greetings, but she didn’t know how long they would have alone.

Picture and table credit to Casey!

//Shilo//Fae//Daughter of Shae and Caspian//Sister to Tiresias, Malina, and Rylan//Crith Thalmhainn//Teen//Violet//

html by dante!


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