Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"



Be careful of what you touch lest the grave be what you lust

Athene had no pleasure in seeing Kari when she arrived, and in fact she pulled her two pups closer to her, almost imperceptibly, as she stepped forward, preparing to fold up her lips in a snarl, a warning, a mocking threat. Only, Kari’s remarkable calmness and courtesy kept Athene in check as the kalak walked toward her and dipped her head in greeting. Athene reared her neck up and back, almost offended more by this act of politeness than she had ever been by Kari’s stubbornness, her obtuseness, her rudeness. Athene had not had the chance nor the desire to converse or interact with Kari in many moons… but it seemed that perhaps Kari had, in that time, undergone many changes. Perhaps she had grown up? Or perhaps it was merely from sensing the severity of the conversation that was to come that Kari had at long last come to her senses… At any rate, Athene settled down and relaxed the grip around her pups, especially when Gwyneira began to whimper and whine, wriggling in her embrace as she protesting the confinement. Athene smiled down at her two pups, then roughly rearranged their fur as her protection of them had ruffled their coats. How different it could have been… how different it may have been if Kershov and Athene had instead consummated their breeding even a month later – would their pups have been horned, or perhaps laced with feathers? Would they be singular mutants, or perhaps something different altogether – hybrids? Was such a thing even possible?

The next to arrive – in a matter of speaking – was Macaria. Athene smiled – despite the bright rays of the sun overhead, Macaria was showing her truest loyalty by attending, albeit it quite a bit below the surface. Based on the sound of her vocals, Athene assumed that she was hiding in one of the caverns below – perhaps one connected to her own den? In comparison to Kari, Athene was much more appreciative of Macaria. She had a spark of fire within her, but she mainly kept to herself aside from when needed or sought out. She had not fed upon any of the pack members – at least not to Athene’s knowledge, and was relatively well in control, especially given her condition. Vampires, horned wolves, and rainbows, oh my. What had happened to the simple times in life within Blossom Forest when there had been only wolves and prey here – normal wolves of normal DNA without any magical alterations. That was all that Athene wanted – was normalcy… only that was not true. Ever since her birth, Athene had strived to be exceptional in everything that she put her mind to. But she still found all of this… magic… to be a confusion complication to life. At any rate, Grey Wind and the pups showed up next, and Athene did not miss the anxiety upon the brute’s face… nor the fact that one of their pups was missing. Athene cocked her head toward the brute in a silent question… but she knew that now was not the time to physically ask him about it. Perhaps it was the fact that she had so recently lost her own daughter that she was now so sensitive to the emotions of the other parents around her…

But then, at last, Kershov began to speak and began to make all of it become clearer – why he had been so absent as of late and why this pack meeting had been called. And it was shocking. Sure, when Kershov had been under the effects of the aphrodesiacs that the Iberian witch bitch had fed him, he had come to her horny as all hell, had mounted her and taken her… but she knew that if she had sent him away, he would have not forced the issue. But for him to do such a thing to another, especially the one who had allowed him to find their dear Gwyneira in the first place. Kershov had brought Briseis back here apparently to keep her safe and far away from the vampire overlord who was her master… and yet he had then raped her? It made no sense, not in her mind, not in any case at all. No matter whether or not Kershov had been in his right mind, she knew that he would not and could not have done such a thing. He would have overcome the Beast within him and fought back… there was no way that… that he was responsible for this. And so when his black gaze met hers, it was with a hard but incredulous stare and she slowly shook her head, but when he attacked his own limb, she gritted her teeth silently, but did not shield either of her pups from the sight. It was a stupid, silly gesture that Kershov was making, and he would come to realize that at some point… obviously not tonight.

But then he asked who would take second blood… and Athene snarled and left both of her pups, moving in front of him, her head whipping to either side as her brewing amber gaze fell on any that would approach. Without any hesitation, she raked her right paw against the left side of his face and then put her face right next to his audette, so that her vocals would be heard by him, and him alone, and each word was said with a snarl, a warning…

I happily mark your mar, but not for the reason you suspect.
You are a beast of power and morals the last time that I checked.
No matter what demon or devil resides within you
You would never throw away the things import askew.

I mark you now because of your idiocrasy, the blindness that has you by the balls
Because of the pup tantrum you are now throwing, mewling in yawls.
Give me a day with Briseis and you will see what answers I can yield
For I will loosen the lips that have up until now have been sealed.

Athene growled and snapped at his face before turning to face the rest of the pack. She would not allow another to harm him.

The strength of any pack is based on the weakest link among them
We cannot allow the continuance of this crazed, irrational mayhem.
Kershov is our king and despite his momentary lack of poise and self-assurance
He is the strength and heart of this pack, to pack law there must be adherence.

Her tail whipped back and forth, irritated, agitated, and yet wondrously aroused by the prospect of a potential battle. Had she believed any differently, then she would have been the first to cast Kershov out – it was the way of her people to only allow the strong to survive and prevail. If he was weakened by his mental state, then he was useless and a danger to the pack. But such was not the truth – perhaps Kershov could not see it himself, but Athene could. Something was amiss… and she would get to the bottom of it. And, so, placing herself between the grieving King and the pack, she dared them to come on – dared them to lay injury to the one they were supposed to be most loyal to. And then… and then she saw Briseis approaching the pack… and next her were pups. Athene narrowed her eyes – so apparently at least part of the story was true - someone had taken advantage of Briseis… no, not necessarily even something as dark as that. Someone had bred with Briseis, had given her pups… but that did not mean that it was Kershov. Athene tsked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and growled at the salt and peppered femme. She would not kill her, not here, not now… but she would get to the root of all of this… in time.

|| BELONGS TO HERSELF || NO KIN || Bright Moon ||


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