If you haven't registered for the board yet, send me an email at rgunther@twcny.rr.com with the user name and password you want to use and we'll get things set up for you....but if for some reason I don't recognize your email or name, I'll be emailing you back for more info before putting your username in place.
Re(17): rule change IP: Posted on September 30, 2018 at 01:20:30 PM by BobAndrews
There are hundreds of posts on the matter on Facebook, I’m not about to duplicate all that here just because some people ‘don’t do Facebook’. If you want to read up on all of that, ‘do Facebook’. If you are against Facebook, that’s your own choice.
And yes, absolutely, online carping, attacks, and outright untruths CAN AND HAVE closed racetracks. It has happened several times. Look it up.