Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


so, baby, be honest

i'd found the one but my doubts, somehow they sold me out

Once the lass had finished speaking, Aindreas took over. Talking about the fight and how they were able to severely wound the vampires but not kill any. While she felt a little disheartened for him, as he had lost a daughter due to the vampires. Mai figured it was a little disheartening for the alabaster king to not have killed any, but also empowering to have wounded them quite a bit. He went on to talk about after the fight, how Tempests go into a coma like state that lasts until they heal enough to wake. She chuckled a bit when he said he'd just found out they come out of that state with such an appetite. Her plume still wagged and she was still full of such joy to see Aindreas as he kept speaking a few words caught her ears and stayed in her mind, replaying the way he said them and how he said them.

"I could not have beared to have you injured..." while there were more words after this that she heard, these stuck with her. These specific lyrics from the snow king. for some reason played over and over in the lass' head. While she was repeating the same process she always did, which was overthinking everything, she wondered if they had a deeper meaning. Probably not. Mai wasn't the kind she could see someone really loving her and that was the fault of her parents. The brute finished his words, finished his meal and by then, she was so deep in thought about those few simple lyrics, that she had just barely heard him speak once more.

“I am sorry, Mai, if my absence caused you fear or pain.”

The multi-colored vixen sure did worry, she had feared the worst. If the worst had happened, she would have grieved for Aindreas. She thought him as a friend, a close friend. Someone she could reside in and know that no judgement would pass over her, at least nothing that would harm her. So yes, she did fear for his well-being, she did that a lot. Mai wanted to help him in whatever way that she could, she was such a soft hearted vixen; she wanted the best for this brute in front of her. Looking towards him she smiled a little "I feared for your safety and I feared the worst to happen, I'm glad it didn't. I know I can't help much other than just.. be here, but I worried for you..." though it seemed kind of condescending, she did worry about the others, she just was more worried about Aindreas, she liked him; a lot.

we lost where we started

adult || jarl of dierne hrof || belongs to no one || twin of Kane


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