Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


she whip it good in her daddy's nienty-five

The night Nim had left had been the night of the attack. The take over, the ambush, whatever you wanted to call it. Lev called it the ambush. To attack a pack at it's most vulnerable, that did not make you any sort of brute, that made you a coward. Lev would never respect the new alpha, ever, thus that night; just as Nim had left Lev did the same. Lev had tried to track her down but he could only smell the stench of a brute from another pack. Every time he went to search, he became frustrated to the point of clawing up the earth as he paced, trying to find something. Anything to lead him back to Nimueh. After weeks had turned into months and the stench of the brute had left long ago, Lev still had not given up, he continued to search. He searched each day, trying to find something, anything of her scent. Her perfume. It'd always drove him mad and how he kept himself from taking her everytime no mater where they were, but he restrained in the case that it wasn't what she wanted. But damn he'd know her perfume anywhere.

Every night he would go back to the den they'd stayed in, it was outside the pack enough that he would not be killed for trespassing and could keep an eye out for Nimueh in case she ever came back. Mid-day and he was exhausted, heading back to that very den. He was on a trail, head hung low and plume limp as he walked, coming up on it, it wasn't very long before her perfume caught itself in his nares. Perking up immediately, he stopped, tasted the air and followed. When at the end of the trail, he went all the way around the den to be sure and then called out for her "Nimueh?" as he was half way in the entrance of the den and half out. His eyes adjusted and he finally saw her. Ecstatic on the inside, he tried to keep it together on the outside. His plume swayed back and forth carefully and happily. Entering more, Lev got closer to the lass.

Though she smelled of another pack, her perfume was nothing to miss, he'd made sure to take it in from day one, from their first encounter. When he had come to join Crith-Thalmhainn, he had made his intentions clear; get to the highest rank he could and help her rule. From there, he got as close as he could but somewhere along the way he legitimately fell for this fae, though he be polygamous, he'd never truly fell for another after his first real love til Nimueh. Though cheesy and probably cliche, it was true. He deeply cared for her and wanted to be with her, even just as friends if that is what the lass wanted. His deep russian accent rang through the den once more. "I've been searching with no luck for you, are you okay? You didn't get hurt in the ambush did you?"

Lev - interested in and cares for Nimueh - loner


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