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Re(3): Re: Ban AR-15

I have no desire to own an assault rifle. BUT, laws have a way of denying weapons to citizens. As an example. I wanted to buy a new M-1 Rifle. WHY I Wanted to bring it to our 50th Reunion and have some fun with classmates - re trying the manual of arms, and for Marines Field stripping it
But I was about to buy it (new for about $1,000) at the Quantico PX. Then I was denied the rifle purchase because I did not live In VA or a surrounding state as my driver license identified my home was in Ohio. Neither my Marine Military ID was good. Here was a Retired Marine Lt. Colonel and fully qualified in the use of that particular weapon and the laws enacted to restrict and CONTROL its Purchase and USE and reache far into my rights under the constitution. I believe the laws have been since changed but
I am not sure.
At the time there was a long and laborious way to get the rifle and not worth the hasssle. SO much for"Thank for your service"

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