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Re(4): $1.5 Billion Spent on Idle Submarines Awaiting Repairs

I agree that a private shipyard would have to have certified submarine-type workers in order to do maintenance on a submarine.
The article quoted in my post above indicated that the Navy utilizes only two private shipyards for submarine maintenance, Electric Boat and Newport News Shipyard.
The below-linked article indicates that both of these private shipyards construct new submarines for the Navy.
So, I would assume that they would be qualified to do maintenance on submarines.
(Although the above article indicates that maintenance is more difficult than new construction, and quotes Vice Admiral Thomas Moore as saying that the two private yards are currently not as proficient as the four public yards in conducting depot-level submarine maintenance).

The GAO report cited in the above article suggests that the Navy should make more utilization of these two private shipyards for submarine maintenance ---I think this is particularly true if the cost is 38% less than in the public shipyards! (as reported by the Congressional Budget Office in the below-linked article).

Use of Private Shipyards for Submarine Maintenance


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