Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


can we just pretend that nothing's broken?

Everything was a flood of colors and brightness, and everything seemed to stretch on forever. It is so much different from the dark place where she had been brought up, that earthy and dust filled place where even now, many of them refused to leave, to venture out from. Paradox had not been so confident in her departure, she was still quite young, learning much every single day, and yet she had thought o it as the once in a lifetime opportunity. She was starting to notice now that her decision had been the correct one, that if she had waited she may have never decided to leave at all, and then she would have just been another lost face in the crowd.

Change both breaks and fixes us, it allows us to move forward just as much as it can block our paths, and it's left up to us which path we lie our paws upon. We all make mistakes that we can choose whether or not we truly learn from, and we can allow ourselves to grow bitter at life's tribulations, to grow angry and hate those around us, or we can choose to heal from the pains dealt us, no matter how much it chafes. When a big enough blow is dealt it is true that everyone hurts for awhile, and that the worst of that pain may never go away. We find things to throw ourselves into, just to avoid becoming pain's victim. She thinks that is how she would survive, how she would handle something bad coming into her life. But such morbid thoughts as these, they do not need to be here in these moments.

Paradox faces the stranger with a soft smile on her face, her bright violet eyes wondering as she took in the female's words, her long ears swiveling as she tilts her head slightly to show her own deep thoughts. This stranger was dragging a larger thirst to witness the world than had already managed to surface, and that's all she really needs. "My name ... they called me Paradox. Nyfiken .. this name does not sound familiar..." Was it bad that she did not think she knew him? "Summer ... it sounds different, if that is the right word. Is it painful to see?" Her too large ears flicker again as she awaits an answer, wondering if maybe they had been destined to meet each other.

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