Simcoe County Bird and Nature Board. POSTS MUST INCLUDE FULL NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS OR THEY WILL BE DELETED FROM THE BOARD. Banners at top of page cannot be blocked but are not part of the page. BOB BOWLES
The joy of peanuts in the shell

Every day I whistle outside my door to call the many peanut addicts in the neighbourhood.

Usually it takes a whistle or 2 before I hear the joyous screeches of the blue jays - who are beginning to have a weight problem. They just love'em, and spend a lot of time hiding peanuts in the silliest of places.

I'm also getting a couple of crows who are ever so cautious - but eventually summon the courage to come onto the back patio table now used as a landing pad cum buffet table. They're good at somehow jamming 2-3 peanuts in their beaks before taking off and finding a private place to dig into their haute cuisine.

And, of course, the squirrels are pretty keen too.

We all have to eat.

love to all

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