Mountain Lion possible sighting IP: Posted on January 4, 2019 at 07:19:13 AM by Barry Langford
My sons spotted what they believe was a moutain lion near Arsenal Mall in Watertown, MA. It was a large tan/brown cat very muscular, with a very long tail. Ran across Arsenal street and into wooded area. It was not a Coyote, or Coy-wolf. It looked into their headlights and had yellow/green glowing eyes. It was around 1:30 AM. They said it bounded in a fast sprint with large hind leg muscles and a very long tail. It was not a dog, not a bobcat, not a deer, not a raccoon, it was an an extremely large cat less than 50 ft. From their car. From their anxiety I believe that is what they think they saw. They are 34 year old twins not kids, and very educated and of high character. They may be wrong but they do not make up stories. Replies: There have been no replies.