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I know this may be off topic and sure hope this is ok to post here. I just figured I'd pass along the info here incase there's any interest, cause I've always remembered there's a bunch of posters here that don't do Facebook.

It's hard to believe that it's already been 4 years! That's when I decided to do what I could to help a little bit for our youth. With the help of alot of great friends and family, we were able to raise to nice amount that went towards the St. Baldrick's Foundation which funds children's cancer research.

I made a commitment a while back to once again try to help make a little difference for those in need. So on March 31st, I'll be going bald once again! I've got an even better jump on it than last time, so this year we'll make Douglas Kells work a little bit harder!

I'd like to ask everyone, if you're able to donate a little towards this St. Baldrick's event, I'm sure everyone would surely appreciate it!

Here's a link to my St. Baldrick's page where you can read even more about the foundation and how to donate.

Michael Johnson


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