Club Meeting

Hesitate to open this can of worms but: Agenda for our Club Meeting on Jan 26, 7PM!

Things to work out:
1) Do we fish Open Tournaments? How much per fisherman? ($20-25)
2) Do we make our Classic a "members only" event?
a. If so, do we charge a small membership fee ($25), to be paid out at Classic?
b. If we are a "Members Only" Classic, do we want to set a cut-off date (June/July)?
3) Do we want to stay with the 2nd Saturday each month, from March through September with a 2 day Classic in October?
a. do we go with the 3rd Saturday for March?
4) Do we fish the same waters as last year in the same order or do we want to add/delete/mix up the order?

1) Do we want Club officers?
2) Do we want a permanent Tourney Director or do we rotate this responsibility every month?
3) Do we post results on our Web Page/Facebook to determine places at the end of season?
4) Do we want trophies or go with cash payouts only (year/Classic)?

I'm sure that I've missed some stuff like our new Facebook page, but everyone is welcome to bring it to the table.
Give this some thought and I'll see you all at Angie's.



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