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Re(2): I took this off Oswego Speedway web site so far this year!

Thanks James L. for putting this together, thought I would sure it with the guys that don't have Facebook

January 13 at 3:59 PM

Here is the updated list from taken from the Oswego Speedway Site, with all the commitment drivers listed first, followed by the registered cars.

1. Jeff Abold (Commitment)
2. Michael Barnes (Commitment)
3. Brandon Bellinger (Commitment)
4. Dan Connors Jr (Commitment)
5. Dave Danzer (Commitment)
6. Joe Gosek (Commitment)
7. Dave Gruel (Commitment)
8. Hal Latulip (Commitment)
9. Jack Patrick (Commitment)
10. Camden Proud (Commitment)
11. Logan Rayvals (Commitment)
12. Keith Shampine (Commitment)
13. Dave Shullick (Commitment)
14. Otto Sitterly (Commitment)
15. Allison Sload (Commitment)
16. Tim Snyder (Commitment)
17. Tyler Thompson (Commitment)
18 Trevor Bellinger (Registered)
19. Jerry Curran (Registered)
20. Roger Clark (Registered)
21. Doug Didero (Registered)
22. Aric Iosue (Registered)
23. Dan Kapuscinski (Registered)
24. Lou LeVea Jr.
25. Jeff Locke Racing (Registered)
26. Guard Nearbin (Registered)
27. Nicotra Racing (Registered)
28. Joey Payne (Registered)
29. Craig Rayvals (Registered)
30. Jamie Timmons (Registered)
31. Jeff West (Registered)
32. Bobby Bond?
33. Shawn Gosselin?
34. Pat Lavery? Hmm
35. LeVea Sr (ISMA)
36. Dave McKnight?
37. Mike Muldoon (ISMA)
38. Chris Perley?

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