Carden Alvar 2018-2019 Christmas Bird Count Posted on January 28, 2019 at 07:07:21 PM by Bob Bowles
The 21st Carden Alvar Christmas Bird Count was held on Thursday, January 3, 2019. A total of 2915 birds of 42 species were observed by 24 field observers and 6 feeder counters. The number of species and individual birds which had been decreasing over the last two years were up in number comparable to those of three to four years ago. There were no new bird species for the count but new high numbers for Merlins at 2 and House Sparrows at 107. The cold weather resulted in most of the standing water being frozen and some of the moving water being frozen. No Canada Geese were observed but 14 observed in count week. Two Ring-necked Pheasants were observed in count week. No Mallards were observed for the count and very few duck species. No gulls observed but one Snowy Owl, one Barred Owl and one Great Gray Owl. No Canada Jays, Brown Creepers, Robins or Eastern Bluebirds were observed. Redpolls and Pine Grosbeaks were observed. We hope that the increasing trend continues next year for total bird species and individuals since these have been decreasing over the last two years. Thanks to members of the Carden Field Naturalists for their help and support on this count. Bob Bowles, founder and compilers of the Carden Alvar Christmas Bird Count. Replies: