SekhmetPharaoh of Asteraia
KukChosen One
Enya, Reaver, Kajika

Lucille, ⟡Skyrippa, Hircine
Bastet, Kaliban, Runihura, Rana, Mihos, Ragnar, Floki, Nox, Balor

None (Inara & Idrisa are Guests)

The Field of ReedsHonored Dead
Tobias | Tick Tock | Samhain | Thoth

News - 6/19/21
Summer is here and Fall is short around the corner. There is unrest as it stands but, perhaps it is to our advantage. Let no one question our strength. Those who wish to speak on rank, seek me out. If anyone wishes to put a hunt together inform me. Adults or others who wish to rise in rank may seek me out.
- Sekhmet

☥ Pregnant | ⟡ Promotion Pending | ☼ Stolen | ☾ Away

Return to Lunar Children
If it kills you, then you deserve to die.

sekhmet x kweku - one - asteraia

Menkhet had often slipped between Asteraia and the free lands, now a little more silent with her mother's rage brewing. To be fair she had not seen Mochi sense her time in the snow and she was eager to see him once more. He truly had become her fondest companion more so than the half-siblings she felt little trust for. Menkhet was almost tempted to slip away once more now just to see the goings-on. Now that she had grown larger the journey might be even swifter than before. Especially should she seek her companion out? After all, the forest was quite the journey from the open plains of Asteraia. Even now though her body was still easily hidden in the thick, tall grasses her coat easing her into the shadows aiding her in staying concealed. She doubted she would not be noticed by her family but perhaps they caught to let her be. So she pressed forward quietly before a rustle in the grass caught her attention.

With a title of her head, the striped girl stalked forward until a new scent came to her attention. An array of sounds made a glare grace her features. She caught the tail end of the strange males climbing. He looked hardly any bigger than she, and certainly nothing like her Mochi. This male was was lighter in color with only accents of black. Half of the girl wanted to leave him to be found by another who might attack him without hesitation however she knew her role if she was to take over one day, she wouldn’t be able to shrug off pack duties just for fun and even now she was growing into a creature more like her mother. Though she would eat another perhaps she took more joy in killing them or seeing if they survived. Ah, the thought almost made her purr ecstatically at the mere thought.

She remained silent as the male flattened his body, it was almost grotesque, however, it was very curious. Menkhet straightened herself, keeping her feline stature and grace. Her muscles flexed and a tensed in anticipation. While it was in her nature to use cunning and strike others with surprise she knew territory could prove much more vicious to mind, certainly if she thought to her mother. “O’ Stranger Mine.” She hissed softly, a tail twitching to the side as her eyes wandered over his frame. She could certainly take him if it came to that. She was almost oozing confidence and excitement from every pore. “You are trespassing. Do you not know of the Cannibals? Do you need to hear shrieks and cries of prey?” Menkhet laughed shrieking in joy. one could almost question her sanity though she was quite sane.

Cuirass had a knack for climbing, as did that small male of mostly white and brown, certainly, she should scale more heights but rocks were her strong suit opposed to trees. Still, the girl remained on the ground and calculating but never still. Her movement was graceful and almost dancer like in fashion despite her larger size. There was something in her that couldn’t keep quite still or silent moving to an unheard chant the girl clicked her teeth in eagerness and joy. “Come down O’ stranger mine. Let me fill your world with teeth!” She shrilled ecstatically, exceptionally eager to learn more of the intruder with the logic she held dear.

Speaking English.
Speaking Coptic.
i'm glad i learned that
the universe runs on
it’s more beautiful to know.
html by castlegraphics; image by endless-adventure


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All ranks may be challenged for outside of Kuk and Thoth. Tasks to rise in rank will be given at the discretion of Sekhmet.

Sekhmet - Pharaoh of Asteraia - Goddess of divine retribution and vengeance, Sekhmet protects and avenges those under her rule. She has final say in all matters pertaining to the pack and it’s wellbeing.

Kuk - The Chosen One - Darkness personified, this wolf is the chief warrior and is given all the same rights as the Pharaoh. Made of strength, tasked with teaching the youth to build their strength.
Thoth - Advisor to Sekhmet - God of wisdom, reason, and secrets. This wolf is extremely loyal to the Pharaoh. They can make and block steals as well as accept challenges when Sekhemt and the Kuk are unable to do so.

Imhotep - Divine Priest - Spiritual Advisor to Sekhmet. You will make sacrifices to the gods in her name.
Amunet - The Heir - One who is hidden and her powers are connected to the words silence, stillness, mystery and obscurity.
Ma'at - Lead Diplomat - God of justice and order. You maintain peace and order within the pack and with those to whom we are bound.

Nephthys - Head Butcher - God of death and decay. You, mighty butcher, will be the artful assassin. Those marked should meet Anubis soon.
Set - Head Thief - God of chaos and change. Take everything that you need and a little extra to grow. The rest is tribute.
Horus - Head Hunter - God of good hunting. Great hunter, the feast will be plentiful when you step on the fields.
Isis - Head Healer - God of healing and protection. You mend the wounds and do not allow weakness to fester.
Seshat - Head Informant - God of knowledge. Gather information on our friends and enemies alike.

Scepters - Warriors - You will work closely with Sobek. Fight for your pack; you will often be asked to escort other members on outings when it is seen fit.
Kemet - Hunters - Working under the eye of Horus, you will ensure the pack is fed.
Medjay - Scouts - Show me, what bounties can you find for the gods? Report your findings to Seshat.
Snares - Thieves - The world is ours, let us reap from it. Learn your art from Set.
Heka - Healers - Work with Isis to heal wounds and ease pain; repair what is broken to the best of your abilities.
Scribes - Diplomats - You will work under Ma'at to complete the duties of mantaining peace within and outside of the pack.

Kith - Children of Asteraia - The youth are our future.
Kin - Unranked members of Asteraia - Those who have not yet chosen a specialty, or who do wish to.

Osiris - Allies of Asteraia
Slaves - Captives of Asteraia
Ra - Enemies of Asteraia
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